Benefits of Biodegradable Plastic Bag | Easy Flux bgas
Smart Usage Benefits of Biodegradable Bags Now The biodegradable plastic has emerged in the 70s, but only since 2000 has become known worldwide. Demographic growth and greater urban concentration have increased the demand for plastic packaging and, thus, the need for environmental awareness through the use of sustainable products such as biodegradable plastic. This material is produced from renewable sources such as starch, cellulose, cassava, among others. During manufacture, its molecular composition is formed so that carbon bonds are not as strong as those of ordinary plastic. Biological degradation This modification at the molecular level does not interfere with the resistance of the bags, for use, that supports the same weight as the normal ones, the only difference is in the degradation process. In this case, this action occurs naturally when in contact with soil, moisture, and sun. The biopolymers that form biodegradable plastic are reduced to smaller molecules, quickly u...