10 Advantages of Biodegradable Bags | Easy-flux.in

Biodegradable carry bags or biodegradable plastic products are degraded or decomposes naturally in the environment. Under biological actions mainly in the presence of microorganisms, the biodegradable products are compostable. They can be degradable under controlled conditions when microorganisms in the environment metabolize and break down the structure of biodegradable plastics. The end result of the degradation of these types of products is not harmful to the environment like traditional plastic. Easy flux products are very famous for providing the best biodegradable products and one can shift their paradigm from the conventional plastic bags to biodegradable products. These types of products are made from all-natural plant materials which include starch, orange peels, corn oil, and plants while traditional plastic is made from chemical fillers that are harmful to the environment. Every day almost 8 million pieces of plastic dumped into the ocean which is affecting marine life in...